The Sonic Spinoff Character Stockwatch

 The Sonic the Hedgehog Spinoff Character Stocwatch

From the beginning of the franchise, Sonic the Hedgehog has had a number of spinoffs in various forms of media. From these, only a select few of these characters have ever broken into the games proper. To thin those numbers more, Amy Rose, Charmy Bee, and Sticks the Badger were the only of these characters lucky enough to break into the main canon.

Despite the confirmation of the IDW Comics being part of the main universe and SEGA hiring a team to help create a concrete continuity, there was a time when just about anything went when making adaptions to the franchise. Aliens, kingdoms, and even direct family for Sonic himself were all aspects of these different spinoffs.

But the Sonic fandom is anything but forgetful. They are dedicated and passionate to the series they love. There are several groups who want to make their voices heard and bring back these now-forgotten characters.

So now, we must ask how likely these characters actually are to return and how they would work when removed from their original context.

Today, in the Sonic the Hedgehog Spinoff Character Stockwatch, we aim to answer those questions.


Anton Veruca

It’s a little known fact that Amy Rose and Charmy Bee came from a strange manga that ran in several Shogakukan magazines, where Sonic is truly a young brown hedgehog known as ‘Nicky’. When in certain situations, such as the kidnapping of his girlfriend Amy Rose, he can transform into Sonic, though he never remembers this happening.

Anton Veruca is one of the series antagonists, occasionally working together with Eggman in vain attempts to get together with Amy and get rid of Sonic, who keeps getting in his way.

Anton truly isn’t much of a threat, being a small town bully who happens to have earned Sonic’s ire. However, that doesn’t mean he can’t be fun. Staying in the more comedic side of the manga rather than the adventurous side, he’s usually a sign of more comedic villainy than anything Eggman is capable of.

With two mainstay characters coming from this manga, it’s entirely possible for Anton to make his way into the main continuity as well. The only problem is exactly how he could fit in. He’s too comedic and dumbwitted to be even as much of a threat as Rough and Tumble, so there’s no place for him in the rotation of rogues even in the comics.

I can see two possibilities of his implementation.

The first is him being a bully who lives in the same village as Cream the Rabbit or maybe even Spiral Hill Village and making a brief appearance whenever the location is relevant, just to give more life to the setting. He could be a brief comedic threat to be dealt with in the span of three or so panels while keeping true to his regular shtick.

The second is to implement him as a ‘Classic’ character, more specifically as a member or even rival of Team Hooligan. With SEGA currently keeping the Classic and Modern casts separate, this would be a good way of making the Classic world more populated while still keeping the few chances in the spotlight it gets adventurous.

It’s hard to imagine Anton Veruca as anything close to a major player, but he could be a fun character to return to.


Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts

These three are the classic Eggmen henchmen and, despite never being brought into the main canon, are archetypical of several characters that would come to be. That archetype being the duo of bumbling fools and the tertiary one who is most often off doing their own thing.

That does create an interesting problem for them that tends to apply to a number of early spinoff characters: New characters have been introduced to the mainline canon that make them redundant. In the case of this trio, they’ve been replaced by Orbot, Cubot, and potentially now Sage.

However, this hasn’t stopped them from returning during both the original and the rebooted Archie comic series. In both, Ian Flynn reintroduced them as lackeys to two separate casino managers: Mammoth Mongul and Breezie (who originated from the Adventures TV series as well) respectively.

Them being Eggman’s lackeys isn’t a needed aspect to their existence.

The problem is that Flynn obviously has an affinity for these three, yet hasn’t introduced them to the mainline canon. It’s just speculation, but there may be a mandate from SEGA keeping Flynn from using them.

Their return is entirely possible, but right now it seems to be up to if SEGA will allow it.


The Freedom Fighters (SatAM/Archie)

I’ll be upfront and say that I’m not a fan of the Freedom Fighters and wouldn’t be sad if they never returned. However, that isn’t to say they don’t have an interesting, if not important, role in Sonic’s history that should continue to be acknowledged.

The Freedom Fighters were the first attempt at a cast that would coincide with a darker tone Sonic would come to be known for. While the manga series came first, it was more comedic in the way that the early Archie run was.

Unfortunately, this would also mean several problems for this cast. The roles of the Freedom Fighters would begin to be overlapped by characters introduced to the mainline canon. Tails would take over the role of genius engineer from Rotor, Knuckles would be the friendly rival instead of Antoine, and Amy would take back her position as love interest and heart of the team from Sally Acorn.

The fact that SatAM was an American production didn’t help, as SEGA didn’t seem to care for an overseas spinoff as much as it did for one made on its own soil.

The most they were ever acknowledged in games were when Sally, Rotor, and Bunnie made cameos in Sonic Spinball, as well as the American manual for Sonic CD trying to pass Amy Rose off as Sally.

They’ve certainly made a lasting impact on the American perception of Sonic, for better or worse.

There is also the problem of them being so ingrained in the setting of SatAM. Sally Acorn is Princess Sally Acorn. The Freedom Fighters are dubbed so because Eggman has taken over the world and roboticized the majority of its population. Bunnie is half-roboticized herself.

This setting is just not compatible with the modern canon. Even more, the SatAM setting is much more medieval fantasy rather than the combination of Fantasy and Sci-Fi that Sonic is today. There were dragons, wizards, and more. No part of this setting works when placed next to the Sonic franchise as it is today.

In my opinion, the Freedom Fighters are a relic of a time when Sonic had no established canon that lasted for far too long and they and their series are remembered for their most infamous moments.


But how would they be reintroduced into canon?

I don’t have an answer to that, aside from saying that I wouldn’t. Especially not this version of them. The post-reboot version of them on the other hand… Well, we’ll get to them.


Snively Robotnik (SatAM/Archie)

Between Sage in Sonic Frontiers and the Egg Council in Sonic Prime, there’s been a lot of material looking into the potential of Eggman having a family.

But what about the original? What about the scheming, backstabbing, stooge that is Eggman’s nephew Snively?

Like the Freedom Fighters, it would be hard to justify Snively’s existence in the modern canon. Here, though, it’s because it would be too hard to accept that Eggman’s had a nephew we’ve just never seen this whole time.

He theoretically could make a grand return, but it would be hard to find a place for him.

If I were to put him somewhere in the canon, I’d go the post-reboot route and have him not be a family member, but a henchman Eggman had early on. Have him appear in some ‘Classic’ material, where Orbot, Cubot, and Sage don’t exist for him to work off of.

As for anything else… I’ll get to that when we get to his post-reboot incarnation.


Uncle Chuck

Speaking of family, SatAM sure enjoyed giving Sonic one. While Sonic does have a mother and father (and even a pet dog named Muttski), it’s Sonic’s Uncle Chuck that gets the spotlight in every incarnation of this universe.

He’s a scientist, one of the many introduced that would quickly be made redundant by Tails’ characterization in Sonic Adventure. However, he plays an important role in this universe.

Uncle Chuck is the creator of the roboticizer, which Eggman would take control of to create his army of robots. This, of course, doesn’t work with the modern continuity.

His pre- and post-reboot characterizations are largely the same, barring ‘Uncle’ being just a title and not a blood relation in the reboot, so I won’t delay with how he could be reintroduced.

While Tails is used as a catch-all gadgeteer for the heroes (and the smartest one they’re allowed, according to SEGA mandates), Sonic Frontiers goes out of its way to remind us that he is still just a child. Perhaps he could serve as a mentor figure for Tails, balancing out his lesser ability with his experience.

This would also put him in a similar position to his post-reboot characterization, traveling the world with an assistant (Muttski, who is now a Mobian and not a pet. Yes, it’s weird.) and being a background supporting figure to help figure out what the next big threat is.


Archie Original Characters (Pre-Reboot)

Well, this is a fine mess.

Yes, we all know about Ken Penders. Yes, we’re all sick of Ken Penders. Yes, we all simultaneously love to hate Ken Penders.

If you want to know why we’re never seeing this cast again, go watch ComicDrake’s video on the lawsuits.

But what about the rest, the ones that Penders didn’t create? What about Mina Mongoose? What about Fiona Fox? Zonic the Zone Cop? Monkey Khan? Tommy Turtle? Ixis Naugus and Nate Morgan, who were slated for SatAM but never had the chance to show?

Do they all deserve to be locked behind SEGA’s restrictions just because they were created before the reboot?


To put it simply, the old Archie continuity was a mess of melodrama, medieval fantasy, and characters brought about by creators who had little to no interest in what Sonic was supposed to be. Even when writers who were passionate about the series such as Ian Flynn and Evan Stanley came onboard, even they had trouble dealing with this tonal whiplash between the games and the comics.

Like with the Freedom Fighters, these characters just don’t work with the modern continuity. The only difference here is that I don’t see a large group rooting for the return of Monkey Khan.

But maybe that’s being too harsh. There are some fan favorites, such as Scourge. While Penders may have technically created him and he is thus off limits, it does show people do like some of these characters.

The problem is that there are so many original Archie characters and so few stand out like Scourge does. Besides, I’m only one person and there are hundreds of pre-reboot Archie comics. I don’t have a mental catalog of every likable pre-reboot character that SEGA has the rights to.

As it stands, Scourge has been very carefully replaced by Surge the Tenrak. If there are other Archie fan favorites, I have no doubt that they’ll find their replacements too.


The Sonic OVA Cast

From the beloved Sonic the Hedgehog OVA, this is a trio of characters that have not been referenced much. Aside from a brief cameo of Sara in Issue #101 (where she was oddly stated to be a princess rather than the President’s daughter) of the Archie run, the OVA character that’s been seen the most is Knuckles’ hat.

To be fair, it's a sick hat.

Assuming that SEGA has the rights to these characters, we have to ask why they haven’t at least been referenced much.

One explanation could be that in the last decade, the Sonic franchise has shied away from a human cast outside of its movies. Another, more likely explanation, is that all of them don’t have a place in the canon.

The world of Sonic OVA is very different from the modern continuity, taking place on a far-future Earth, now dubbed ‘Planet Freedom’, where the ground is a world of nightmare and most everyone lives on floating islands in the sky.

Moreover, modern continuity already has a President in the form of… The President.


But, if they were to come back, how could they do so?

Personally, I’d shake them up a little. Instead of having them be members of a democracy, have them be a monarchy. Like that Archie cameo, have Sara be a princess. These minor changes would go a long way to giving them more purpose in the modern canon. After all, a half-human/half-cat hybrid girl seems a lot more Sonic-y to have as a princess than, say, Elise and the Land in the Sky is more in line with Sonic’s blend of fantasy than SatAM’s medieval fantasy.

Continuing the comparisons to ‘06, the Land of the Sky feels like a much more inspired location than Soleana, even if we already have two locations composed of floating islands.

I guess what I’m proposing is that if we’re ever going to return to a kingdom location again in Sonic media, I’d rather take the Land of Sky over Soleana or the Acorn Kingdom, even if it meant restructuring it a little.


Sonia and Manic

While SatAM introduced a family for Sonic, it’s these two from Sonic Underground that everyone remembers.

Sonia and Manic, Sonic’s twin brother and sister who he was separated from as a baby thanks to a bounty being placed on the royal family.

Yes, in this incarnation Sonic is a prince and it’s as weird and uncharacteristic as ‘King Sonic’ is in the Archie comics. They’re also a band. This might be the reason SEGA has placed the series off-limits.

The most reference to the series we’ve had since its cancellation was in Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing, where a piece of Sonia fanart was accidentally used in the Roulette Road track instead of artwork for Amy.

Since SEGA has to say that Underground isn’t to be used, they presumably have the rights to it but don’t want it anywhere near canon. Understandably so, as it’s too different from established continuity and doesn’t have too big of a fanbase pushing for its return.

If they were to return, though, how would it be done?

Firstly, they’d obviously have to get rid of them being Sonic’s relatives.

However, their identity otherwise is their music. As such, I’d lean in on that. Have them be recurring characters who travel the world to play music and let the setting feel more lived in. Heck, maybe even reference their old family status by having them lie about being Sonic’s siblings for clout.

They’re a weird pair of characters, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t work.


Chris Thorndyke

Yes, I know nobody really wants to see him return. We still need to talk about him, otherwise this section on the Sonic X characters would be weird.

Chris Thorndyke is the self-insert character for all the kids watching Sonic X. He helps the cast we’re all there to see and routinely gets in on the action with them, but rarely is the hero of any story. He’s there so you can project yourself onto him having adventures with Sonic.

As such, even down to his basic role in the narrative, he doesn’t quite fit the main continuity despite being made with the post-Adventure era in mind.

If he were to appear, it would probably be as a quick cameo to show off Sonic being adored in-universe. Or maybe the Wachowskis can adopt a boy named Chris when the movies move on from them. Sometimes a family can be the unliked human characters in Sonic spinoffs.


Originally I was going to use the ending of Chris’s section to talk about how Chris and the Sonic X cast can’t come back due to SEGA only half-owning Sonic X. But, after some of my own research, I instead want to take a moment to say that this appears to just be a rumor.

Currently, the licensing for Sonic X is handled half by TMS, a SEGA subsidiary, and half by Discotek Media, who are currently creating Sonic X blu-rays. However, this is only in the United States.

Assuming there wasn’t another massive contracting messup like what led to the Ken Penders lawsuit at Archie, SEGA should own the cast of Sonic X.

What likely spawned this rumor is that Discotek Media is said to also half-own the copyright and branding of the series as well. From the understanding of someone who is very much not a copyright lawyer, this just means that that half-own the title, logo, promotional materials, and episodes.

They half own Sonic X within the United States, but the cast should belong to SEGA properly.


Bocoe, Decoe, and Bokkun


The second of the trios inspired by Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts and my personal favorites of this archetype.

These three personify the more chaotic and comedy-focused approach Sonic X has over most other Sonic media. This also means that I don’t think they’d translate well to the mainline continuity.

They exist to play off of Eggman, meaning they’re being overlapped by Orbot and Cubot. However, they could be used as someone else’s lackeys like the Adventures trio were in the Archie continuities. The problem there is creating a villain who they could work off of well and isn’t just a clone of Eggman.

I’d love to see them and their brand of comedy again, but I don’t see exactly how they’d go about it.


Agent Topaz


I find it funny how we all hate Elise kissing Sonic in ‘06 and then some people turn around and talk about Rouge’s human girlfriend from Sonic X.

It’s me. I’m some people.

Aside from her dynamic with Rouge, Topaz is mostly remembered for the role she played in the series. That being, a member of GUN who is shown actually doing something worth a damn about Eggman.

Aside from that, she often serves as a link of communication between Sonic’s group and the government.

This is a role that has never been filled by any other character in any other continuity. With GUN becoming relevant again thanks to the movies, Topaz would serve to bring a face to the agency outside of the Commander and give Team Sonic a friend on the inside.

With us entering the post-Adventure era, this is going to become a bit more common. Characters are being created to accommodate what we know as Sonic today. As such, not too much about them will need to be changed to bring them back, if anything at all.



Speaking of interspecies relationships, it’s time we talked about the real star of this section: Cosmo!

The last of a species of plant-based aliens, Cosmo is a major player in Sonic X’s Metarex Saga. You could even argue that she’s the main character of it, having the most personal stakes in the plot and undergoing the most character development.

Unfortunately, that means she has already had her story told. If she were to be used again in the same way, it would be in a storyline or game that essentially retold a portion of Sonic X, and that would just be a waste of time. As well, she wouldn’t be staying around either, as she sacrifices herself at the end of the Metarex Saga.

So, on top of finding a place for her in the main continuity, how do we also #SaveCosmo?

Well, being essentially the main character of a portion of the series, Cosmo’s got a lot going on that we can keep intact even if we were to change her circumstances. She’s not a fighter, but she is a noble and clever girl. She has survivor’s guilt and extreme self esteem issues.

Now, in the beginning of 2023, don’t those character elements feel a bit familiar to how a certain character has been portrayed recently?

In Sonic Frontiers, Tails is shown as wanting to grow out of the self-loathing and occasionally cowardly hole that he’s slid into thanks to the last decade of games.

To bring Cosmo back, I would propose getting rid of the overall Metarex Saga and instead have her act as a traveling companion for Tails as he seeks his own adventures. Both can grow together and overcome their inner struggles with someone experiencing something similar to lean on.

While not overtly romantic like her Sonic X origin, it shows that even in the main continuity she syncs up with Tails well. Besides, Cosmo fans want her back so she can have a happier ending after going through so much. Romance isn't required for her return to be appreciated, which is good because SEGA seems to be against romance in Sonic media these days.

However, getting her to this point would be a bit of a problem, considering she is an alien.

Perhaps she’s an ambassador from one of the many alien worlds in the Sonic universe. Or, maybe she crash landed on Earth with only fragments of memory pertaining to her past and how she got here.

But that’s all just speculation.

As it is now, some would argue Cosmo isn’t forgotten.

At the end of Sonic X, Cosmo lives on as a sprouting seed that Tails keeps in his workshop. A similar sprout can be seen in Sonic Chronicles and a piece of 2021 Sonic Channel artwork. It may be that there are those close to the heart of Sonic that wish to see her revived.


The Freedom Fighters (Post-Reboot)

In many ways, the Archie continuity desperately needed a reboot.

Aside from the problems that arose from the Ken Penders situation, the baggage of a universe created by people who didn’t care much about Sonic, and the base of that universe being a long-past idea of the the series, the ongoing nature of the continuity SEGA actually cared about led to its main cast becoming mostly redundant.

Ian Flynn took the reboot as an opportunity to fix this by altering the cast and the situation they found themselves in.

Instead of being stuck in the Acorn Kingdom, Sonic and friends took to the skies to travel the world and go on adventures abroad, unrestrained from the kingdom setting. This granted Flynn and the team to explore the rebooted world, introducing a number of locations such as the undersea kingdom of Meropis and the revised Casino Park.

This also extended to the Freedom Fighters themselves.

Sally Acorn was given laser-blades, giving her a unique ability that allowed her to stand on equal footing with the rest of the Sonic cast. They also excised any hint of romance between her and Sonic, allowing her to exist as her own character and let the series be much more bearable in general. Now the two could share scenes without the looming threat of bad melodrama.

Rotor, who had been sidelined thanks to Tails becoming a genius, had his blubber turned into muscle and became a powerhouse character as well as the lead operator of their new flying base.

Antoine and Bunnie remained mostly unchanged aside from having new designs. Antoine had been undergoing character development for a long time since Flynn joined the team and was no longer a rival character to Sonic. Bunnie had an aspect of her backstory changed, now half-roboticized as a child and no longer just a random girl who stumbled upon the Freedom Fighters after they had been in operation for so long. Their marriage also thankfully remained.

Similarly, Nicole was kept the same to her pre-reboot incarnation, though her relationship with Sally became a lot more of a focus for both characters. As well, being an AI, she is still learning to truly appreciate the world she is protecting.

While I’d hesitate to bring this group back, the post-reboot team is definitely the one to take inspiration from if they were thrown into continuity. Of course, this would require some changes and has some problems of its own.

One such problem is that some of these characters already feel like they’ve been replaced.

The excitable and kick-ass Bunnie would feel a bit redundant next to Tangle the Lemur, as would her relationship with the more reserved Antoine when you put it next to Tangle’s friendship with the silent Whisper the Wolf. Whisper also makes Bunnie herself a bit more redundant, being a fighter scarred by Eggman who uses more mechanical weapons to fight.

For Rotor, there’s no short supply of geniuses or powerhouses in the continuity these days. Even when he was reintroduced after the reboot, they introduced Big the Cat as a powerhouse for the team at the same time.

IDW has introduced Belle the Tinkerer, a timid robot that, while very different from the hardlight AI of Nicole, does check the box of an artificial intelligence under the wing of Team Sonic.

As for Sally, she’s the leader of the Freedom Fighters. The modern Restoration already has a leader with Jewel the Beetle.

It would be a disservice to fans of the modern continuity and this new cast to haphazardly shove this team of, frankly, less interesting characters into the spotlight just to appease fans of a dead continuity. So, is there a way to reintroduce them while carefully balancing their relevancy?

I believe they can, but they’d have to play by the rules of the IDW story structure.

For one, the Freedom Fighters would have to break up.

IDW doesn’t have a controlled team-style structure like Archie did. In IDW, Sonic runs into a new cast and new location every week, eventually circling back around to different areas and people. In the first arc we get a Tails spotlight then a spotlight for Amy, Knuckles, and so on, all in separate issues.

It would be easier for the Freedom Fighters to be more recurring if they were simply divided into smaller groups. Have Sally be trying to show Nicole the world and let her appreciate what was nearly lost. Have Bunnie and Antoine doing their best to help those in need, maybe as recurring Restoration members. Rotor-- well, the Restoration already has a mechanic. Even I’m having trouble finding a place for him.

Though they come from something that is so far removed from Sonic these days, that doesn’t mean they can’t work in the modern continuity. However, I’d still prefer seeing new characters specifically made with this continuity in mind.


Julian Snively (Post-Reboot)

After the reboot, Snively was removed from the Eggman family tree. Instead, he was a former henchman of the Doctor who later took to work under GUN. Don’t mistake him working for a government agency as him not having his grander schemes, though.

SEGA seems to have stepped away from making Sonic an enemy of the law these days. Snively, though, could pose as a unique way of having Sonic face off against the government. He could serve as an enemy within the government in the same way that Agent Topaz could serve as an ally.

If we want Sonic to be on the Most Wanted list, it would be a lot easier to justify Snively wanting to use his connections to take Sonic down rather than SEGA having to make a political statement about Sonic doing something that would set the government after him for reasons other than him being an alien like in the movies.


Eclipse the Darkling

This is probably the trickiest of the post-reboot cast. Aside from SEGA obviously not wanting to bring back any Archie characters, Eclipse also has to contend with their protectiveness of Shadow and the Black Arms.

For those who don’t know, Eclipse is a member of the Black Arms that was created in much the same way as Shadow. He was also created in order to specifically counter Shadow’s abilities and easily overpower him mentally.

After Shadow once again defeated the Black Arms, he escapes to Earth with a number of mutated wisps as the sole survivors of the race. This is really where the heart of the character lies, being the last remnant of the Black Arms and having to protect these wisps.

If SEGA were to approve his return, I’d rather they scrapped his direct relation to Shadow. It just makes him have a bit too much OC energy. The last of his kind, Shadow’s long-lost sibling, and having these super special powers is a bit much.

If anything, I’d think he’d be a fun rival for Whisper, his mutated wisps being a good counter to her normal ones. They could even bond, as they both obviously care for those wisps like family and have lost those closest to them. I’d honestly be surprised if Whisper wasn’t partially made to carry over the ideas Eclipse brought to the table.

While SEGA is protective of Shadow and the Black Arms, they still allowed Eclipse to exist in the first place. Who says it couldn’t happen again?


Honey the Cat

Unlike the rest of the Archie cast, Honey could probably come back at any time as she’s not actually an Archie character. I'm only talking about her because I have a stand to take about how she can be used.

A half-completed character in Sonic the Fighters inspired by a character from Fighting Vipers, she would make her debut in the PS3 and Xbox 360 rereleases of Sonic the Fighters. It was only her characterization that came from Archie and, according to the post-Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speedi-a, that seems to have stuck.

While Honey has actually made a cameo appearance in the modern continuity-- specifically in the ‘Amy’s New Hobby’ story published as 2021’s Free Comic Book Day issue-- I still believe she should return in full.

The problem, though, is that Honey is a fashion designer. She makes her appearance in Archie during an arc homaging Sonic the Fighters, where she’s only there to promote her clothing line. She’s much more underhanded and tactical in fighting and dealing with others, making her not a great match for the more constant-action approach of IDW.

She’d be hard to fit into the comics, but she has a fun personality. If nothing else, I’d love to see her return to flesh out the playable cast of future spinoff games. She premiered in one, after all.


Post-Reboot Lightning Round

So, there’s a bunch of characters introduced after Archie’s reboot that all boil down to essentially the same thing: They could return because post-reboot Archie is close enough to the main continuity to work, but SEGA doesn’t want Archie characters returning.

However, I still wanna shine a light on a handful of them and so have put together this little lightning round to give my thoughts on them.

Razor, Coral, and Friends

Meropis is such a great idea that I am amazed it hasn't been explored before. If the land has a ton of these humanoid animals like Sonic, why shouldn’t the sea? Moreover, Coral is a priestess character that would allow exploration of the mythological aspects of Sonic’s world more. Perhaps even help establish a more concrete lore about the gods of this world such as Dark Gaia and Chaos.

Relic and Fixit

In a similar vein to Cosmo, Relic would make a great post-Frontiers companion for Knuckles and be an excuse to explore more of the past. With the focus on ancient civilizations that Sonic has, it would be nice to know more about them. The only problems I see are that Knuckles is characterized as being extremely isolated in Frontiers and so Relic couldn’t have been on the island yet, as well Fixit may overlap with Tinker a bit too much.


Originally a robot from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Breezie returns during the same arc as Honey. Now she is an underhanded, barely above the law businesswoman who previously worked with Eggman in the same way as post-reboot Snively.

In the Fighters arc, she runs a fighting tournament where the prize is one of the Chaos Emeralds needed to fix the world. She doesn’t care about that, of course, as her one goal is profit.

I feel like with her Archie characterization, she could work well as a host for spinoff games. Need an excuse for Sonic and co. to race? Breezie’s holding a tournament and the Chaos Emeralds are at stake. Want to do the Sonic Shuffle? Breezie’s holding a tournament and the Chaos Emeralds are at stake.

Uh, well, there would need to be more excuses than just that. Still, she would work well for this sort of supplementary material.

Plus, being an Adventures character and not an Archie one, it’s more likely for her to return than the rest of those in this lightning round.


And so taking their common sense possibility of returning, how they worked originally, how they could be changed, and how they mesh with the main continuity into account, that is everything I have to say on the possibility of these spin-off characters returning.

The Sonic fandom lives and breathes on the series’ continuity and every aspect that continuity has seemingly forgotten. Even if some of these characters are never able to return, at least we know they will be remembered.


  1. Agree to disagree with you on the freedom fighters being incompatible with modern sonic!


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